On February 4, 2022, owners and residents of Atlantic City’s Ocean Club Condominiums received a letter; advising them that they cannot use their balconies because of the results of a structural engineering report.

Balcony hardware and the possibility of falling (loose) concrete were some of the reasons provided.

If you did not have the opportunity to read our first article about this issue, here is a link to do so. This article contains the full letter sent to the owners and residents about their balconies and more.

Read More: Atlantic City Ocean Club Residents Told They Can’t Use Balconies

The letter reads in part, “some of (the balconies) might not be safe for use because of damage to the anchors of the railings and the discovery of loose concrete in some areas that creates the possibility of a serious life safety risk involving the balconies and anyone using the sidewalk below."

TSM Harry Hurley
TSM Harry Hurley

There was an important Ocean Club Condominium owners ZOOM meeting, with The Board of Trustees that took place last evening, Thursday, February 10, 2022.

The owners had the opportunity to meet with an engineer and have their numerous questions answered.

Only owners participated in the Zoom meeting. Owners have been advised that they are responsible to inform their tenants of any and all developments.

Make no mistake about it, the Ocean Club Condominiums Management Company and (the relatively new) Board of Trustees has shown a sense of urgency since commissioning and receiving the results of a structural engineering report.

We have also confirmed that the 6th floor deck is also closed at this time.

Additionally, there is still much work to do, as all of the balconies have not yet been inspected. There are approximately 750 units. Some units have more than one balcony.

We have interviewed two owners and one resident of the Ocean Club earlier yesterday. They are not willing to go on the record.

The have raised legitimate concerns and have important questions that they want prompt answers.

  • Can you buy, sell or rent an Ocean Club Condominium prior to the current balcony/concrete issues being resolved? The answer appears to be yes at this time.
  • Can you obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the City of Atlantic City at this time? Yes.
  • How much will the anticipated repairs cost? Unknown at this time.
  • When will the repairs be made? Still to be determined. Inspection work is underway.

Developing. We’ll provide additional updates as more information becomes available.

Never Before Seen Golden Nugget Construction Photos

Original Atlantic City Golden Nugget Blueprints - Charlie's Steakhouse - 1982

In 1982, part of welcoming back the legendary Casino Host Charlie Meyerson, Steve Wynn, Joel Bergman, and Paul Steelman reimagined this space and created the best and most opulent steakhouse in Atlantic City. Paul Steelman has exclusively provided us with 21 of the actual original blueprints. No expense was spared and a substantial 7-figure investment was spent on this project. These images have never been seen before now.


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