State of NJ Approves Atlantic County’s COVID-19 Testing Site Plan
Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson says the county's plan for a COVID-19 drive-thru testing site has been approved by the State of New Jersey.
The site will be located in the parking lot of Hamilton Mall in Mays Landing and will provide testing by appointment for county residents who are symptomatic for COVID-19 and have a doctor’s script.
Individuals who are not experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness will not be able to be tested.
"We recognize that there are many people who would like to be tested to help allay their fears and concerns, but unfortunately we only have so many test kits available and the state has restricted testing to symptomatic residents only," Levinson said in a press release.
The county will perform its first testing on Thursday, April 9, for symptomatic healthcare workers and first responders by appointment through the Office of Emergency Preparedness.
Public testing for symptomatic county residents with a doctor’s script will begin the week of April 13 and instructions for making appointments will be forthcoming.
The county has obtained 600 test kits and the necessary personal protective equipment for the drive-thru facility.
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