I'm so glad Colin Kaepernick is not from New Jersey.

The former NFL quarterback turned Nike pitchman has a problem with the American flag. Not the one he refused to stand for during the national anthem, but the 13-star version made by Betsy Ross.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Kaepernick has persuaded Nike to scrap plans to sell a shoe featuring the Betsy Ross flag, claiming the 13-star version constitutes an “offensive symbol” due to its connection to an age of slavery. Nike, believe it or not, agreed and the shoe has been pulled. One has to wonder if there is an American flag that Kaepernick would accept.

As long as we're wondering: will Nike be dropping their contract with the Philadelphia 76ers, whose logo features the 13 stars?

The Betsy Ross flag has long been a symbol of the American Revolution and the young Republic.  It honors the men and women who built and fought for this country. Betsy Ross was a notable figure representing the contribution of women during that period. She was promoted as a role model for young women. Should we forget about that? Nike seems to think we should. Perhaps they like the flag better if there was a "swoosh" on it.

It's one thing for Kaepernick to have an opinion, it's another for Nike to buy into it. I personally will not be buying into anything Nike.

Yes, slavery existed during that period but that's not what the flag was about. It was about the celebration of a new country, a country that continues to evolve, a country that would abolish slavery. A country that continues to try to get it right, despite all the arguing between the parties who can no longer agree on anything. But then again, the ability to argue and not get along is what our forefathers and brave military continue to fight for.

Will we ever get it right? One can only hope, but it doesn't mean like Kaepernick and Nike seem to think that we shouldn't salute a flag until we do.

As Dr. Alveda King, niece of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King told Neil Cavuto on Fox Business:

“I am not so sure brother Kaepernick even totally understands who Betsy Ross is. It’s kind of unfortunate that we are fighting over sneakers when we should be celebrating living in the best country on the planet.”

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