During a wide-ranging and candid discussion, Atlantic City, New Jersey Chief of Police, James Sarkos explained what the 15 or more military vehicles in Atlantic City are all about.

Responding to criticism about how the military vehicles were procured and why they have been stored (some) for the past 8 years … Sarkos made perfect sense of all of it.

First, it is important to clarify that City taxpayers have not paid for the military vehicles. Sarkos confirmed that they are the result of a military surplus procurement process by the City of Atlantic City, and they receive the vehicles at no cost.

Some of the military vehicles are not in working order, however, the City of Atlantic City takes ownership of them for use as parts to keep other military vehicles running.

A need for military vehicles in Atlantic City was established in 2012 during Super Storm, Hurricane Sandy.

Sarkos shared that the City of Atlantic City did not have enough vehicles to handle extreme weather and other emergencies.

Sarkos also responded to the criticism of an alleged lack of police squad leadership, saying that there is a Lieutenant assigned to every squad.

In the event that a Lieutenant is sick, or, otherwise out of work … Sarkos confirmed that a Sergeant takes over the leadership role when necessary.

Sarkos also confirmed that the Atlantic City Police Department “uses military vehicles all of the time … including regular duties, emergencies and summer special events,” said Sarkos.

Regarding the military vehicles that do not run, “There are military vehicles that we expressly take ownership of for parts and we have the mechanics who can use these vehicles to keep other vehicles running, Humvees and others,” said Sarkos.

Sarkos also addressed the roles of the Emergency Management Coordinator, Scott Evans, who is also the full-time Atlantic City fire chief.

Sarkos explained that the two deputy emergency management coordinators also have full-time job functions in addition to these duties.

During our conversation with Sarkos, he was candid about all of the issues that were brought up yesterday regarding the military vehicles, leadership staffing, emergency management and more.

Sarkos is doing a commendable job as chief of police under less than ideal circumstances.

Here are some photos that will let you see some of the military vehicles that the Atlantic City Police Department has procured through military surplus.

Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.

SOURCE: James Sarkos, Chief of Police, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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