If you're looking to kick-start the small business you own or manage, WPG and Townsquare Media may be able to help.

Naturally, you know we can help you advertise on WPG Talk Radio 95.5 FM and 1450 AM, South Jersey's talk station.

Our team can help you put together commercials, promotions, and more. This includes helping you write and produce the commercials, voice the commercials, and more.  Our marketing experts can work with you on a plan that makes sense and target the people and areas you want to target. This is true not only utilizing WPG, but our other Townsquare Media-owned radio stations in Atlantic City as well: Lite Rock 96.9 WFPG, SoJO 104.9, 97.3 ESPN FM, Cat Country 107.3, and Rock 104.1.

Our local team can also help you spread your word digitally through our own products, like WPGtalkradio.com, the WPG Talk Radio app, and more. (Again, likewise our other locally owned operated radio stations and products.)

Another area we can help is programmatic or digital advertising online - beyond our local above-mentioned products. This part of our business is called "Ignite." Our in-house team uses the latest technology to target your customers with incredible precision. In real time they bid on these consumers as they go online via their computers, tablets and or smartphones. (Have you ever been scrolling through Facebook and noticed ad advertisement that matches something you were just looking for? That's what this is all about!)  We are able to utilize their previous online behavior, geographic location and gender and age group to deliver display ads or video ads for your business. There is no waste. (Most other local companies use a 3rd party vendor. We do this ourselves.)

Finally, if you're in need of a website, we can help there too. Our digital production team - Townsquare Interactive - develops hundreds of websites each month. We can help you from start to finish, all depending what your business need happen to be.

Want to find out more? Click here to have one of our Townsquare Atlantic City team members get in touch with you.

We look forward to helping you!

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