Lawmakers may require the state BPU to study whether to have NJ withdraw from the regional electric transmission grid in favor of either going it alone or joining one operating in New York.
State lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would provide criminal and civil immunity to health-care workers and hospitals in New Jersey for medical treatment related to the COVID-19 emergency.
State senators are recycling the plastic bag bill, making the proposed ban on carryout bags among the first major pieces of legislation to advance in new legislative session.
A bill banning single-use plastic and paper bags at NJ retailers was not passed in the now-expiring legislative session, though the idea’s chief proponent says it will be taken up again in two weeks as the new term begins.
Another front in the battle over New Jersey’s business tax breaks: the main portion of the tax credits for 2018 still haven’t yet been paid out by the state.
Five state senators have called for the investigation and removal of two Family Court judges who were criticized for downplaying the actions by accused teen rapists.