Website Ranks Cape May the Top Jersey Beach Town
Ask anyone what the best beach town is down the shore and you could have quite an argument on your hands. A big website did just that and one South Jersey town came out on top.
The folks at Thrillist ranked the major Jersey Shore beach towns and Cape May took the top spot.
How they determined their top 12 towns isn't clear, but the website said, "In the last decade, the Jersey Shore was hit by Sandy and Snooki and still managed to stay strong."
Seeing a Snooki reference, I expected Seaside Heights to be #1, but they ranked eighth.
Cape May was tops, Wildwood took the bronze, Ocean City ranked well, and Stone Harbor/Avalon (apparently they think both are one in the same) started the list at #12.
Congrats to Cape May and see where all of the Jersey Shore towns ranked here.
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