6:03 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.    OPEN FORUM. THE BEST 6:00 A.M. HOUR IN TALK RADIO.

Take listener phone calls.

TOPIC: Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama 51% to 46% Gallup & by a margin of 50% to 46% in the daily Rasmussen poll. Romney continues to surge in all Battleground States. No candidate for President in the history of Gallup (more than 75 years) has ever lost the race for President of The United States when leading by Romney's margin two weeks from General Election Day. The race remains competitive and I have been analyzing the real possibility that Romney could win the national popular vote and Obama could win the Electoral College and re-election. Romney has led between 5-7 points for the past consecutive 7 days.

7:03 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.    JIM & JEFF STANCH (in studio), with our twice monthly Runnemede HVAC and Nogginhaus Energy program. We'll also discuss this Saturday's (8:00 a.m. hour) debut of "The Stanching Tyranny Hour." Take listener phone calls.


8:03 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.    DECISION 2012. Our weekly program about Obama versus Romney, the race for President of The United States. ROGER STONE (Liberetarian), STEVE AYSCUE (DEMOCRAT) & ASSEMBLYMAN KIRK CONOVER (Republican). Take listener phone calls.


9:03 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.    SHORE MEDICAL CENTER PRESENTS ... RON JOHNSON President & Chief Executive Officer (in studio) & DR. BENJAMIN OJSERKIS (in studio) . Our program Topic: ADVANCED PULMONARY DIAGNOSTIC CENTER AT SHORE MEDICAL CENTER

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