This has been a very long time coming. The many problems and criminal investigations are mounting in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

We have learned that the Atlantic City, New Jersey Housing Authority is currently under federal criminal investigation.

The leadership of United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew is largely responsible for this welcome development.

Van Drew has held countless sessions with federal officials and has directly met with affected Atlantic City public housing residents.

Additionally, former Atlantic City Housing Authority Executive Director Matt Doherty has been a very effective whistle blower.

Doherty testified earlier today, Wednesday, May 22, 2024 in Washington, D.C. before the United States House of Representatives Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance.
The matter is titled:

Hearing Entitled: PHA Oversight: How Scandals and Mismanagement Harm Residents and Taxpayers

Doherty confirmed today in his public remarks that:

I spoken about the fraudulent activities at the ACHA to various law enforcement agencies, including the New Jersey State Police, HUD's Office of Inspector General, the FBI, and Assistant United States Attorneys. While I understand and appreciate the need for them to conduct a thorough and comprehensive investigation that supports charges leading to convictions, this process is inherently time-consuming. Given the urgent needs of the residents, who are suffering under the current management, I strongly recommend that HUD immediately assume control of the board and management of the authority. The residents cannot afford to wait for the criminal justice system to take action against the board members, said Doherty.

A confidential source has confirmed to us that a federal Grand Jury is impaneled at this time and are reviewing various issues about the Atlantic City Housing Authority.

During today’s remarks before the United States Congress, Doherty proposed the following recommendations for HUD that include:

  1. Implement strict oversight mechanisms that empower HUD to audit and, if necessary, remove corrupt housing authority board members and ban vendors who commit fraud.
  2. Ensure that HUD and its Office of Inspector General have unrestricted access to all Housing Authority records and communications, such as emails, to facilitate transparency and prevent further abuses.

“The level of corruption at ACHA is not merely a breach of ethical standards but a critical failure that inflicts real harm on the community. It is crucial that HUD takes immediate and forceful action to dismantle these corrupt practices and to reinstate integrity and effective management at the Atlantic City Housing Authority,” said Doherty.

“As we discuss these grave issues, I stand ready to provide further details or clarification needed to support HUD's intervention and oversight efforts. Your proactive engagement is essential to rectify these injustices and restore faith in our housing systems,” said Doherty.

"The Atlantic City Housing Authority has failed the people of Atlantic City.

The Authority has squandered millions of taxpayer dollars through illicit no-bid contracts that failed to deliver any results. Mr. Doherty's testimony is a damning indictment of the illegal practices that left our most vulnerable residents in cold, infested, and moldy apartments. We must ensure that this never happens again. I concur with Mr. Doherty's recommendations for greater oversight, accountability and that HUD assume control of the ACHA. I thank the House Financial Services for working with me to set up today's hearing and shine a light on this appalling crisis, said Van Drew.

Click here to watch the full committee hearing.

Click here to read Matt Doherty's full testimony.


SOURCE: United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew & Matt Doherty, former executive director of the Atlantic City Housing Authority.

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