Governor Murphy Makes July 7th Primary Election Vote-by-mail
We called it this morning.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has just made it official.
The upcoming Tuesday, July 7, 2020, Primary Election will be a mostly Vote-by-Mail election.
The Governor has also confirmed that there will be a small number of voting machines for those who wish to vote at the ballot box.
This last Tuesday’s elections in Atlantic City and Ventnor featured voting machines for disabled voters.
Unaffiliated voters are permitted to declare at the polls that they wish to vote in either the Republican of Democratic Primary election.
As such, all unaffiliated voters will also receive ballots in the mail in order to vote if they wish.
This is starting to take on the appearance that Democrats may push to permanently make New Jersey a near all Vote-by-Mail state.
Should this occur, it will dramatically alter the way that campaigns are waged in The Garden State.
Most of the contests are uncontested, however, there are some key races that this will dramatically effect:
Amy Kennedy vs. Brigid Callahan Harrison in the 2nd District Democratic Congressional race.
Marty Small vs. Pam Fields for Mayor of Atlantic City. In Atlantic City, whoever wins the Democratic Primary will be the next Mayor of Atlantic City.