Opinion: NJ’s Goya Foods Names Surprising Employee of the Month
Goya Foods, headquartered here in Secaucus got some push back when their CEO, Robert Unanue, appeared at the White House earlier this year and had good things to say about President Trump. .
New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of the most vocal critics on social media backing a boycott of Goya products. Well, like many of these boycotts pushed by the hard left, it backfired.
According to the company Goya's CEO in a recent radio appearance, "When she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1,000%, so we gave her an honorary, we never were able to hand it to her, but she got employee of the month for bringing attention to Goya and our adobo". Even with over 10 million Twitter followers, she couldn't do the kind of damage she thought she could.
That's the problem with people on the far left. They think everyone feels like they do and of course will follow their lead. Being radical and new will get you tons of attention and followers on social media, but if your ideas are bad, and most of them on the far left are, then more than likely your efforts will backfire. They have an opinion and ideology that isn't the majority, so if you shine light on it, most normal people will see it for what it is and go the other way.
We get it, she hates Trump as many other people do, with a passion and fervor rarely seen outside of a radical religious revival tent. However, trying to go after a company and its hard-working employees for doing good during a pandemic is probably going to land you on the wrong side of history on that one. But hey, she got employee of the month!