Small Leads Big in Atlantic City Democrat Mayoral Vote Count
“Hurley in the Morning” has learned and confirmed that Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small will hold a 3:30 p.m. Facebook Live press conference.
Read to the end. There is breaking news until the last sentence, including an editorial comment about the Atlantic County Board of Elections.
The purpose of Small’s press conference later today will be to address the Atlantic City Democratic Primary election for Mayor.
Here is another scoop. Here are the current Atlantic City vote totals, up-to-the-minute. They have not been reported anywhere else.
- Marty Small 1,717
- Pam Fields, 948
- James Whitehead, 138
Tom Forkin won the Republican Nomination for Atlantic City Mayor.
The Atlantic County Board of Elections is moving slow with their vote count. This has become an all too familiar pattern. They always seem to slow-walk the results.
There were approximately 4,200 votes cast through last weekend. More will be added to this total from Monday and Tuesday of this week as they are received.
Quick sidebar. By comparison, Ocean County was able to count more than 20,000 Republican votes before midnight last night.
Amy Kennedy was declared the winner of the Atlantic County Democratic Primary for an entire United States Congressional District before a single Atlantic County Democratic ballot had been counted.
Why the Atlantic County Board of Elections is always so slow remains a mystery.
Don’t confuse Maureen Bugdon with any of this. She is a fabulous Superintendent of Elections and Commissioner of Registration. She possesses a determined sense of urgency, always.
Back to Atlantic City.
I have also learned that Mayor Small is preparing to declare victory today during his 3:30 p.m. press conference.
I asked Small if he would be declaring victory today. He wouldn’t confirm or deny, but he did say that he is “comfortable and pleased with the trend of the election throughout the ballot counting.”
Small has consistently pulled 60-61 percent of the vote during the vote count.
Updates as warranted.
SOURCES: Atlantic City and Atlantic County Board of Election contacts.