We’ve been very fortunate thus far this winter. The weather has been mild to date.

However, we will not escape winter weather — or the expected 30 to 50 percent increase in oil and natural gas prices. It's something I started talking about in October, and it’s time to plan now, before it’s too late. Is your heating system ready? Is it efficient?

You can trust my friends at Ambient Comfort. They can tune-up the furnace you have now, or install a new high-efficiency system that is up to 99 percent efficient.

For perspective, all furnaces produced since May 2013 must be at least 80 percent efficient or turn at least 80 percent of their fuel into heat, according to HomeTips.com. If your furnace is older than that or in poor condition, you could be wasting a good amount of energy every time your furnace cycles on. It's money just floating into thin air.

Ambient Comfort can install a furnace that not only prevents energy loss but also saves on your monthly heating bill. This is more important than ever, with the unavoidable, substantial price increases in all forms of energy.

In addition, through December, they are offering a free MERV 11 air filter with each new system installation. The MERV 11 air filter removes 85 percent of the micron-sized contaminants from your air, which not only improves your air quality but also your furnace efficiency. It tackles dust, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and more.

Now's a great time to take a little at your heating bills, energy consumption, and HVAC system to minimize the impact of cost increases. Don’t delay, contact Ambient Comfort for all of your winter heating needs at (856) 213-6586 or ambientcomfortnj.com.

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