The Venice Park Civic Association held a candidate’s forum last night. Six 4th Ward Atlantic City Council candidates were invited.

Only three candidates appeared … two Democrats and Republican candidate Ron Bailey.

Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small has hand-picked George Crouch for the Democratic Nomination for the 4th Ward Council seat.

This is significant, as the Democratic Nominee has a decided advantage in the 4th Ward.

Crouch is a former Atlantic City Board of Education Member, who was forced to resign his position due to a criminal issue in his background.

Then Governor Chris Christie led an effort remove school board members from office if they had a criminal record for certain offenses.

These types of offenses do not affect a candidacy for City Council … except perhaps, in the eyes of certain voters, who may determine that it is disqualifying.

We interviewed persons in attendance who said that Crouch had an unsteady performance … specifically, that he didn’t know many of the streets by name, or, where they are located within the 4th Ward.

In his candidate brochure, Crouch says that he’s lived in Venice Park for 23 years. You would think that he would know the streets in his neighborhood?

Crouch lists his name on his campaign collateral material as George “Animal” Crouch.

Crouch also said that he supports a trash plant within Venice Park … which we know from interviews that we have done on this subject… is very unpopular in the 4th Ward, and in particular, the Venice Park section.

Atlantic County Democratic Chairman Michael Suleiman is giving Crouch the advantageous Column A ballot placement in the June 6, 2023 Primary Election.

Make no mistake about it, having Column A  is an enormous advantage… especially in Atlantic City.

For example, Marty Small has lost every time that has had to run off of the preferred Column A line.

Many Atlantic City voters monolithically vote for the entire regular Democratic column ticket each and every time.

Venice Park is a beautiful section of Atlantic City, featuring magnificent waterfront properties and million dollar views, (see below).

Google Maps.
Google Maps.

Mayor Small attended the candidates forum, as he always protects his own self-interests.

And, having Crouch on City Council is very much in Small’s self-interest. Crouch would be a compliant, reliable vote on City Council for Small.

Small was asked to clarify several issues that were being discussed at the forum. Small did not choose to comment.

The only time Small spoke was to challenge the per-pupil cost in Atlantic City.

The budget for 2022-2024 school year will be nearly $ 289,000,000.

Small contends that the annual per-pupil cost is $ 20,000. Basic math says otherwise.

Crouch advised that he currently works Monday through Friday until 9:30 p.m. and that he works 2 jobs.

Residents are said to have concerns about Crouch not having the time to serve on City Council in light of his current onerous work schedule.

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