This cool teaching toy probably couldn’t exist today.

In 1954, Atlantic City New Jersey’s Boardwalk National Bank offered this “Rocket” shooting coin bank for $ 1.00, a price which they billed as below the cost of making the toy bank itself.

The idea behind the toy was to teach children how to save money and have fun while doing so.

For a child, this toy had it all. It looked cool and it was able to shoot Pennies, Nickels and Dimes.

By today’s hyper sensitive times and standards, this type of toy would likely be seen as dangerous and unsafe to operate.

It was billed as nearly indestructible and Boardwalk Bank encouraged adults to come in and see the “Rocket,” touting that all children would want one.

Advertising is one thing, but, I don’t think that Boardwalk Bank was wrong about that statement.

What young child wouldn’t want a cool, metal space ship that shoots coins?

Courtesy of Kenneth McIntyre from the “I Grew Up Or Lived in Atlantic City, NJ” Facebook Page, here is a look (directly below) at the Boardwalk National Bank advertisement about their children’s “Rocket” toy.

Kenneth McIntyre phito.
Kenneth McIntyre photo.

FUN FACT: Boardwalk National Bank always had a nice focus about children learning how to save money at a very early age. More than 50 years ago, Harry and Don Hurley opened-up their first passbook savings account at Boardwalk National Bank.

I have many find memories of the various ways that Boardwalk National Babk made things special for children.

There is no doubt in my mind that although the “Rocket” toy bank was made 70 years ago - young children would love it just as much today as they did in 1954.

Some things are timeless.

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