It’s official.

Atlantic City, New Jersey attorney David Castellani has officially filed litigation against Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small, Atlantic City Superintendent of Public Schools La’Quetta Small and Atlantic City Board of Education President Shay Steele.

Other unnamed person(s) may still be added to the lawsuit.

The litigation was filed on July 1, 2024.

Castellani is representing plaintiff John Devlin, the former President of both the Atlantic City Board of Education and Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority.

The lawsuit reads:

John Devlin vs. Atlantic City Board of Education; City of Atlantic City; Mayor Marty Small; La'Quetta Small; Shay Steele; Does.

07/01/2024, ATL-L-1381-24, Johnson.

It further reads:

Employment, civil rights, and retaliation. Plaintiff was removed from his position at the defendant school board after he publicly criticized defendant Small for appointing a cousin to a position where he was found to have had inappropriate relationships with minors, writes Castellani.

Regarding Devlin’s removal from the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority … Atlantic City Councilman George Tibbitt has publicly stated that:

"Mayor Marty Small lied to us. We owe John Devlin a public apology for what was done to him," said Tibbitt … during a live, on-air “Hurley in the Morning” interview.

Tibbitt proceeded to issue a public apology to Devlin for his being unjustly removed from his position as an Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority board member.

Devlin lost his board seat during a star chamber, special counsel process by just one vote.

Devlin was also removed from his Atlantic City Board of Education seat by a vote of the Atlantic City Board of Education.

The deposition phase of Devlin’s case began back in early December, 2023.

Devlin held his Atlantic City Board of Education seat for more than 20 years, having been elected to his position every 3 years for 7 consecutive terms.

The City of Atlantic City paid for a special counsel to handle the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority removal hearings.

Devlin has witnesses and evidence that will support his assertion that he has been targeted by Small for removal from his public positions.

If Devlin wins, the City of Atlantic City will also be responsible to pay Castellani's legal fees ... which will be a substantial six figure added expense.

Former Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority Solicitor, Fred Bor is also launching litigation against many of the same people as Devlin.

Bor was ousted from his position as Solicitor of the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority.


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