New Jersey has officially become the second state to pass a law that requires schools to teach about LGBT history.

Governor Phil Murphy followed through with his promise when during his campaign, he promised to give a voice to the gay and transgender population and he actually signed this bill through on Thursday.

Unless you are personally part of the LGBT population, I don't believe it is possible for you to have any idea what this group has gone through over the years and their struggle needs to be taught to the younger generation to avoid history repeating itself.

“This bill is so important for our young people,” said 12-year-old Jaime Bruesehoff who identifies as transgender. “They need to see examples of themselves in the history being taught and in classes they are going to each day. We know representation matters.”

Starting in the 2020-2021 school year, public schools will include lessons regarding the contributions from the LGBTQ community as well a from those who are disabled.

Check out the original article here.

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