Pleasantville, N.J. Firefighter Blows Whistle On Black Mold Present
We have learned about potentially serious health safety issues at the Pleasantville, New Jersey Fire Department.
Samuel Johnson, a 22-year veteran of the Pleasantville Fire Department has contacted me to blow the whistle about the many problems.
Johnson has spent more than two years trying to resolve the issues through the appropriate channels.
When I spoke with him this morning, he was exasperated by the lack of action regarding the many health concerns.
We have obtained disturbing photos and documents that corroborate the issue.
Here is an example of the black mold that is present. It’s located where the professional firefighters actually sleep.
Here is a mattress that the Pleasantville fighters sleep on:
Here is a look at the Pleasantville firefighters dorm. It’s just awful.
Here is a current photo of the engine room that Johnson describes as “with toxins and carcinogens.”
This is outrageous, inhumane and unacceptable.
Johnson has confirmed that the solution offered was to close access to the basement area, which remains closed today.
Johnson has advised that “there are mold issues all throughout the firehouse.”
”The chief moved to get the engine room cleaned because of toxins and carcinogens and that still has not taken place and the basement is still closed,. There is no air conditioning in the basement and the air quality in the fire station is getting firefighters sick,” said Johnson.
Here is a photo of the area where the microwave was mounted, which reveals more mold intrusion.
We are going to share with you just the facts, in the form of official State of New Jersey, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (PEOSH) complaint documents.
Additionally, we have also obtained a copy of a document that reviews an inspection that was done.
Here is a copy of a May 6, 2022 email that reviews the various issues, including air duct cleaning as follows:
Here is a photo of the Pleasantville firefighters workout room, that Johnson describes as “located in the engine room with toxins and carcinogens.”
From Johnson:
“Everyone from the Mayor, City Administrator, Fire Chief and All City Council were informed by me personally … whether I hand delivered the violations or emailed them,” said Johnson.
”And, Victor Carmona is in charge of the Public Safety Committee and he did not want to speak with me about these issues … but, he is currently the Democratic Nominee (Atlantic County District 2) for Senate,” said Johnson.
I don’t do this often, but I am copying my friend, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy with my report, because it is simply too important not to.
I am also taking the liberty to apprise my good friend, New Jersey Senator Vince Polistina, so that he can be brought-up to speed about what is going on at the Pleasantville Fire Department.
I have enjoyed a great professional rapport with Pleasantville Mayor Judy Ward … long before she became Mayor in 2020.
Ward is an elegant and highly professional individual.
It’s long overdue to resolve this long-standing health issue.
I don’t do this often, but I am copying my friend, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy with my report, because it is too important not to.
The time for real action is now.
PS: While they are currently being treated so badly by their local government … here’s an important reminder about what Pleasantville Firefighters do to protect the public:
NOTE: Samuel Johnson is a distinguished, 22-year Pleasantville Fire Department veteran. He is a whistle blower and deserves all the protections afforded with this position. I will be keeping a very close eye to make sure that he is not the recipient of any political retaliation whatsoever.
Programming Note: We are inviting Samuel Johnson to be our on-air tomorrow, Monday, June 5, 2023 for the 7:00 a.m. hour.
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