Atlantic City, New Jersey is in need of a good old fashioned comeback.

For a variety of reasons - all of which are fixable - Atlantic City is currently mired in a significant downward spiral.

Atlantic City is losing business by way of numerous cancellations of previously scheduled business and Atlantic City is regularly losing bids for future business.

The perception of Atlantic City these days is that the city is both unsafe and undesirable.

That is the death knell for a destination resort that has been able to attract more than 20 million annual visitors for decades.

The bell rings 3 times, before, during and after “death.” There is still time left to fix this mess.

The time is now for all partners involved to rally and band together to fix Atlantic City … before it’s too late.

The local Atlantic City government is an unmitigated disaster. It’s the most failed in modern Atlantic City history.

There is one particular bright spot in the local government, and, that’s in the public safety department.

Atlantic City Police Chief James Sarkos is capable of turning the most crucial element of the problem around.

The Atlantic City Police Department is highly competent.

They are currently focused on taking guns and bad guys off of the street.

This is imperative in order to turn around the “Atlantic City is not safe” narrative.

The current digital, online gaming numbers are currently masking a very serious problem and that is that the number of actual guests visiting Atlantic City is way down.

The hotel occupancy rate is substantially down, citywide. This negatively impacts everything from casino non-gaming revenue … to the local business economy.

The Atlantic City, New Jersey Police Department has been taking guns off of the street in pursuit of making the casino city a safer place to live, work and play.

It is essential that they win this fight, as Atlantic City is presently in a protracted slump.

With New York City casinos on the not-too-distant horizon, the time is now to fix Atlantic City.

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