Pro-Life Protest at Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo’s Produce Store
Despite 91 degree sweltering heat, pro-life faithful gathered on both sides of the street (directly near B.F. Mazzeo’s Produce) to protest against New Jersey Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo at his business.
The protest is still ongoing at 3:00 p.m. as we file this report.
Have you ever noticed that the media rarely provides fair and proper coverage for pro-life gatherings?
They’re always quick to provide voluminous coverage when a few liberals show up to protest a conservative for anything.
Mazzeo has one of the worst records on the issue of “life” that you will find anywhere in America for an elected official.
The protest signs read such things as “Mazzeo Kills Babies, Born & Pre-Born” ... “Love Babies, Born and Unborn” ... “Pray to End Abortion.”
The story of today’s protest of Vince Mazzeo can be told much better in photos, then I can attempt to describe in writing.
All photos pictured in this report were taken by Don P. Hurley, who has provided WPGTalkRadio.com with countless photos ... always at no charge.
Thank you Don.
Don P. Hurley Photos.

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