United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew, NJ-R-2 was called a conspiracy theorist by the hard left on the topic of implementing offshore wind farms along the New Jersey Coast.

The United States military has now vindicated Van Drew.

The Pentagon has sounded the alarm that the offshore wind farms will negatively impact American national security.

Van Drew released the following comments as follows:

"During my field hearing in South Jersey last month, my colleagues and I highlighted the adverse effects offshore wind development would have on various sectors and industries, from our environment to our national security," said Van Drew.

Van Drew called for a moratorium when the whales and dolphins started washing up on our coast. Van Drew wants proper investigations to be conducted before anything like this can be allowed to proceed.

Van Drew held a public hearing in Wildwood, New Jersey, and, there was unilateral opposition to the offshore wind farms being implemented under the present circumstances.

“When fishermen indicated their concerns with how these projects will affect their livelihoods, their concerns were pushed aside.”

“When I highlighted how the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM) own environmental impact statement admitted that offshore wind will have no impact on climate change, there was no response from the administration.”

“When the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) OWN scientist raised concerns with how these projects could affect the endangered right whale, he was ignored. And when my hearing revealed that these massive turbines could interfere with radar systems and highlighted the warnings from our own military, this administration continued full steam ahead,” said Van Drew.

Van Drew has advised that the President and his administration are ignoring these alarming findings.

Van Drew wants the state of New Jersey and the Biden administration to agree to a moratorium before it’s too late.

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