Following a complete and beautiful exterior restoration, Lucy The Elephant has never had better curb appeal.

The Committee persevered through a once every 100-plus years pandemic (COVID-19), which presented many significant challenges.

The original exterior restoration called an eight-month time table and was scheduled to reopen on Memorial Day Weekend, 2022.

The restoration process took 15 months and Lucy the Elephant reopened to the public on December 28, 2022.

The overall cost of the restoration necessarily ballooned to $ 2.4 million, due to inflation and supply chain difficulties, as a result of the pandemic.

Lucy the Elephant was built 143 years ago in 1881 by James Vincent de Paul Lafferty Jr.

This makes Lucy The Elephant the oldest roadside attraction in the United States of America.

With Lucy’s exterior now beautified and fortified, the interior was in need of various repairs.

United States Senator Cory Booker came through  with $ 500,000 in federally and personally delivered the news week with a visit to Margate City, New Jersey.

New Jersey Senator Vince Polistina, Assembly members Don Guardian and Claire Swift and Atlantic County Commissioner June Dillon-Byrnes … along with Mayor Michael Collins and Commissioners Catherine Horn & Maury Blumberg all attended the $ 500,000 Grant Award presentation event with Booker.

Photos courtesy of Margate, NJ Community Group Elite Facebook Page.
Photos courtesy of Margate, NJ Community Group Elite Facebook Page.

There has long been a criticism of United States Senators for New Jersey becoming “Washington, D.C. political swamp creatures” … who never come home to New Jersey to the people.

Booker showed how a United States Senator can demonstrate their localness.

Lucy The Elephant has an all new skin, special … very expensive exterior paint that is built to last.

It’s now time for a proper interior restoration.

Booker brought a nice down payment this week to Margate City.

There is still much to do.

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Gallery Credit: Harry Hurley

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Gallery Credit: Harry Hurley


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