4th of July Message for Atlantic, Cape May & Cumberland, NJ
4th of July Message - 2023
The United States of America is now just 3 years away from 250 years old.
A great experiment conducted by imperfect, yet brilliant, visionary founders … who strived together to achieve a more perfect Union … against all odds succeeded in forming the greatest representative republic in the history of the world.
Happy 247th Birthday to my fellow Americans.
In some respects, we're on "borrowed" time as a nation because the maximum shelf life for a “Democracy” in all of recorded history is about 200 years.
It was all sheer brilliance on the part of our Founders. The American people have been given the supreme power to directly elect our Congressional Representatives and President and Vice President.
The founders could have consolidated power amongst themselves, however, chose to give the power directly to the people. This was unheard of in all of history.
The elected are given the authority to vote in the best interests for the people.
When they fall short, it is the responsibility of the American people to replace them at the next election.
This “short leash” placed upon our elected representatives by our founders was sheer brilliance.
America is also presently more divided than at any time since the Civil War.
The American economy is faltering with runaway inflation, high gasoline and other energy costs, along with the highest prices ever for goods and services.
Southern New Jersey is fortunate to have United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew. Van Drew remains very popular in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
On America’s Independence Day it is important to remember that our Founders took great risks that few would ever be willing to take.
They risked literally everything, their homes, wealth and their very lives. They took the most daring and courageous risks in American history.
For many of them, it didn't end well. Their unselfish bravery gave us the greatest nation in the history of the world.
As Benjamin Franklin said when asked, “What we’ve given to you is a Republic … if you can keep it.”
My Friend for Life Tom Cantone has shared his Independence Day views with us:
We don't teach our Founding Fathers History anymore, we don't know anything about them and we're embarrassed about our past, But those 56 young men who had the courage to sign their name on the declaration was a certain death warrant as the British sent 50,000 troops to hunt them down, mostly all of them had families, and businesses, suffered tragic endings and their homes and lives were destroyed. Let's remember that first before we eat a hotdog, said Cantone.
Cantone's words are powerful and right on point in every way.
Beyond the national scene, the late, great Tip O'Neil was absolutely right that in the end, "all politics is local."
This is where we are very fortunate to have as our Tri-County New Jersey state representatives:
Senator Vince Polistina, District 2 and Senator Michael Testa, District 1 and their team members exude the qualities and characteristic traits of our founders in terms of love of country and a desire to serve the people.
It also really matters who your County level representatives matters are and who your local Mayor, Council, Commission Members are.
Long-time Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson continues to earn the people’s trust.
I strongly believe that before we fire-up our grills for 4th of July family barbecues ... it is so important to reflect on the many supreme sacrifices that were made on our behalf, so that may enjoy all of the blessings of citizenship to The United States of America.
Happy 247th Birthday America!
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