Curtis Bashaw, owner of Congress Hall, the oldest seaside resort (1816) in the United States of America has earned a great victory in the Republican Primary for United States Senator for New Jersey.

Bashaw defeated all of his opponents and mighty head winds in order to do it.

First, he resides in Southern most, Southern New Jersey. Rarely does a Cape May - Atlantic County resident ever win a state-wide election.

Second, in a devastating and totally unexpected announcement at the massive, recording-setting (up to 100,000 people attended) … President Donald Trump Wildwood Rally … President Trump announced his support and endorsement for Christine Serrano Glassner.

Many thought that it was checkmate, game over … as every single Republican candidate that President Trump has endorsed during this election cycle has gone on to win.

President Trump was not well served here by the person(s) who put this bad idea in his ear at the last second. I was there at the Wildwood rally … President Trump announced that “I was not going to endorse in this race … I was going to stay out,” said President Trump.

President Trump’s instincts are always so good; including in this race for the Republican Nomination for United States Senator for New Jersey.

President Trump had no intentions of getting involved in the New Jersey United States Senate Primary election.

For his part in this, Bashaw could not have handled it better.

In a definitive on-air interview that I did with Bashaw on the Monday after the President Trump rally in Wildwood, Bashaw graciously accepted President Trump’s decision to endorse his main opponent (Glassner) and Bashaw enthusiastically reaffirmed his unconditional support for President Trump.

Bashaw then proceeded to campaign as a Trump Republican for the remainder of the campaign.

It was a masterclass. It worked. Bashaw succeeded in earning the status of the real Trump Republican in the race.

Bashaw successfully threaded the electoral needle, with an eyehole that was very small indeed.

Bashaw also did a lot of hard work during the Primary Election campaign. He outworked all of his opponents.

Bashaw took his message to every nook and cranny … throughout the most densely populated state in America.

Bashaw barnstormed all 21 Counties and won endorsements in 16 of 21 of them.

Bashaw drove more than 60,000 miles during the 2024 Primary Election Campaign.

By 9:00 p.m., on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 … it was apparent that Bashaw had won the Republican Nomination for the United States Senate.

Bashaw won 14 of 21 Counties and with 92 percent of the vote counted, Bashaw leads Glassner 45.6 to 38.6 percent of the vote.

Justin Murphy grabbed 11.2 percent and Albert Harshaw received 4.6 percent of the vote.

Bashaw dominated the electoral map:

AP forecast
Associated Press forecast.

No Republican has been elected for United States Senator for New Jersey in more than 50 years.

It is now down to Republican Curtis Bashaw versus Democrat Andy Kim.

I very much like Bashaw’s chances head-to-head versus Kim.

When you add the independent candidacy of current United States Senator Robert Menendez into the mix and Bashaw begins the General Election as the favorite to win.

NOTE: A special, earned shout-out to New Jersey Senator Michael Testa, who served as state chairman of Bashaw’s victorious campaign.

Testa was all in from the beginning. Testa was a very unifying force for good. He brought a lot of people together … to help cobble a winning coalition together for Bashaw.

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