Fox News Radio National Hurley Interview With Governor Phil Murphy
We have conducted an important and wide-ranging interview with New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.
The interview took place on Friday, April 9, 2021 at 3:06 p.m., during our guest-host stint for the nationally syndicated Fox News Radio, The Guy Benson Show.
Our interview with Governor Murphy took place just two hours after he and New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy received their first Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination.
To his credit, Governor Murphy didn’t cut the line. He waited his turn until those 55 years and older were approved to receive the vaccine.
Our 22 minute interview covered a lot of important ground regarding COVID-19; the new variants, Summer 2021 and more.
We also discussed the high degree of professionalism that has been demonstrated by the professionals at all levels at the Atlantic City Convention Center COVID-19 vaccination mega site.
This regularly involves a successful and mutually respectful collaboration of local, county, state, federal and AtlantiCare medical professionals here in the Southern New Jersey Region.
Governor Murphy also heaped deserving praise on the other 6 New Jersey COVID-19 vaccination mega sites throughout the state.
The day-in and day-out work being done by those individuals who are staffing the vaccination sites is very impressive. The efficiency and overall professionalism that has been demonstrated is exemplary.
It embodies everything that is the very best of New Jersey.
Governor Murphy is optimistic that we will have a great summer season in New Jersey.
This cannot be overstated as so many citizens and business owners desperately need a prosperous and profitable summer season, having dealt with the economic pain of the past 13 months.
Governor Murphy also signed a very important piece of legislation yesterday while he was in Atlantic City.
Governor Murphy signed into law, a $ 35 million relief bill to help the New Jersey restaurant industry. This is the second $ 35 million tranche that Governor Murphy has approved.
During our interview, Governor Murphy made it a point of emphasis and advised that this money will be awarded as grants; which do not have to be paid back.
Governor Murphy also discussed federal funding that will be coming to New Jersey in the form of COVID-19 relief aid.
You can listen to the complete Governor Murphy interview at GuyBensonShow.com and just click on the April 9, 2021 Podcast link. The interview is easy to locate, as it is the very first segment of the April 9, 2021 program.
The interview with Governor Murphy is well worth listening to.
We did additional relevant interviews during yesterday’s 3 hour broadcast with: Criminal Defense Attorney John Zarych, Dr. Nicole Saphire (Fox News Senior Medical Contributor) and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

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