Should Halloween be Moved to the Last Saturday in October?
What if Halloween was always on the last Saturday of October regardless of when October 31st actually falls?
The Halloween & Costume Association has started a petition on-line to do just that.
The group, which was founded in 2005 and bills itself as a, "trade organization to promote and build the celebration of Halloween in the United States," says that should happen for a number of reasons, including more parents would be able to spend time with their children while they are out getting candy, more millennials would be able to participate, and it would be safer for children.
Aneisha McMillan, who is a member of the group and one of the creators of the petition, told Newsweek, "It just made more sense for Halloween to be celebrated on the weekend than on a Wednesday. I will rush home, push kids out the door for trick or treating for about two hours, and then try to get them ready for school the next day while they’re hopped up on sugar."
One benefit here in South Jersey might be having a uniform trick-or-treat day and time across every town, as opposed to how each municipality currently sets its own days and/or times for candy-grabbing -- some towns set trick-or-treat times the weekend before, many do it on the day of, etc.
So, what do you think? Should Halloween be moved to the last Saturday of October? View the petition here and then take our poll!