The expression, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” appears to fit perfectly when describing The Palace of Depression.

The Palace of Depression was literally constructed from stone, mud, and junkyard parts, right smack in the middle of The Great Depression.

The following entities have a keen interest as follows;

The Palace of Depression Restoration Association and The Friends of Historic Vineland.

The Palace of Depression is located at 265 South Mill Road, Vineland, New Jersey.

You can see and learn more In a video by NJ Advance Media.

According to

The Palace of Depression was, “completed on Christmas Day, 1932, The Palace of Depression was an eighteen-spired, pastel-colored castle built in a swamp out of rusted auto parts and mud.“

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The original builder of The Palace of Depression is George Daynor.

‘The Palace of Depression’ is a Landmark and Historical Place and a tourist attraction in Vineland, New Jersey.

The restoration was progressing very well, until December 24, 2021, when The Palace of Depression Restoration Association President Kevin J. Kirchner passed away suddenly, as a result of COVID-19.

‘The Palace of Depression’ - Facebook.
‘The Palace of Depression’ - Facebook.

It was Kevin Kirchner who had faithfully carried the George Daynor torch.

Kevin Kirchner had spent approximately 20 years of his life, painstakingly restoring and readying The Palace of Depression to reopen it prior to his life being cut short by COVID-19.

Following Kevin’s unexpected passing, the project has since continued and has been led by Kevin’s son, Kristian Kirchner, who has promised to complete its restoration.

‘The Palace of Depression’ Facebook Page.
‘The Palace of Depression’ Facebook Page.

The goal is to reopen The Palace of Depression, by sometime during this summer, 2022.

You can reach this passion project at:

SOURCES: The Palace of Depression Facebook Page, & NJ Advance Media.

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