Senator Chris Brown Wants Pause in SJTA Toll Hikes
In a “Hurley in the Morning” exclusive, I am sharing a letter that I have exclusively obtained.
The letter is written by New Jersey Senator Chris Brown, R-2 and was sent today to Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, Commissioner/Chair of the South Jersey Transportation Authority.
Senator Brown has formally requested that the upcoming April 1 & 2, 2020, public hearings regarding the consideration of SJTA proposed toll hikes be postponed.
Believe it or not, they want to raise tolls on the Atlantic City Expressway by nearly 40 percent. Pure insanity.
Brown’s logic is very sound. He doesn’t think it’s a good idea to raise the tolls during a New Jersey state of emergency, during a world health pandemic.
How can anyone reasonably argue with his logic?Families are hurting real bad right now. Tens of thousands of employees have been furloughed.
Many don’t know if they will have a job when we emerge from the Coronavirus pandemic.
Brown’s letter is attached for your review. The Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce is also opposed to increasing the tolls, because 70,000 middle-class families depend upon tourism for their livelihood.
Brown makes a reasonable and compelling case to delay any further consideration of raising the price of tolls until we emerge from the present Coronavirus crisis.
Even then, it’s a terrible idea.