New Jersey, Would You Give Up the Right to Vote to Work at Home Forever?
This may come off to you as fantastical, but, I believe the results of a recent poll about exactly what Americans are willing to sacrifice in order to never have to go back into the office ever again.

I read a very interesting article at Bloomberg.com.
Here’s the Bloomberg.com graphic about pay cuts that employees are willing to take to work at him forever.
Most people said they wouldn’t give up more than 5%, but 15% of respondents said they’d be willing to shave off 25% of their salary to be remote. Nearly half — 46% — said they would give up a quarter of their days off, and 15% said they would give up all paid time off to be able to work from home.
It is fascinating what the American people are willing to sacrifice in order to work from home “forever.”
They surveyed other “sacrifices,” asking what else people would give up for the option to work remotely.
More than half said they’d give up Netflix, social media, or Amazon for one year.
1/3 of respondents even said they’d give up the right to vote in all future national and local elections. Isn’t this crazy?
Generation Z was most likely — 44% — to say they would give up their right to vote, while Baby Boomers were most opposed, with only 27% saying they would give it up.
There is a definitive generational gap regarding this topic.
Source: Bloomberg.com and Breeze/Pollfish Online survey conducted July 20-21 of 1,000 people whose job can be done remotely.
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