New Jersey Superior Court Judge Michael Blee has made a major ruling that could result in the disastrous, so-called Atlantic City “Road Diet” scheme from continuing.

Blee has given the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Authority 45 days to review Atlantic City Mayor Marty Smalls’ road scheme … relative to Phase 2.

The Atlantic City casino industry, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, local businesses and the CRDA do not want to see Atlantic Avenue shrink from 4 lanes, down to two lanes.

Except for Marty Small, there is universal agreement that the road diet is a very bad idea.

With the summer season right around the corner, Blee’s decision is a welcome one.

We conducted our own field test of the "new" Atlantic Avenue back on January 2, 2024.

Traffic was light, but, it was a very revealing exercise, because everything that we stated in advance of this new road set-up was already coming true.

Look at the photo above and below.

Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.

In this photo, you can clearly see a vehicle that is riding all the way to the right, which is supposed to be the dedicated bicycle lane.

To the left, you can plainly see a bicycle rider, who is riding down the center, between the two car lanes.

This is exactly what we predicted would occur.

Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small continues to brag about getting $ 24 million dollars for this project, which also will result in a newly resurfaced Atlantic Avenue and traffic light resynchronization.

The City of Atlantic City was required to file this plan with the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (NJCRDA) because part of Atlantic Avenue is located within what is known as "The Tourism District."

Marty Small failed to discuss the road diet scheme with the CRDA before proceeding with Phase 1.

The City of Atlantic City instead went rogue and began the road shrinkage project.

Small is committed to turning a big road that has worked well for decades... into a small road that appears poised to create many logistical problems and potential safety issues.

Judge Blee has now given the CRDA and other like-minded partners some breathing room and hope.


SOURCE: New Jersey Superior Court Judge Michael Blee and our earlier reporting.

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