During these long, cold winter months it's difficult to keep our skin from drying out. Although name brand moisturizers may be effective, we aren't always sure what's in them and they're  usually pretty pricey.

Luckily for us, there are a handful of natural household items right in your kitchen pantry that can help restore the moisture in your skin, and they're usually just as effective as expensive lotions. Items such as olive oil, coconut oil, honey, milk, and yogurt will give you soft, hydrated skin.

  • Liv Friis-Larsen Olive Oil
    Liv Friis-Larsen Olive Oil

    Olive Oil

    Olive oil can hydrate dry skin all over your body because of it's fatty acids. Using it before or after a shower will hydrate your skin.

  • Geo-grafika Coconut oil
    Geo-grafika Coconut oil

    Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is great to put on your skin after a shower or bath and before you go to bed. You'll wake up in the morning feeling moisturized and you'll smell great too! The best part is that it's super organic. Don't like the coconut scent - you can get neutral which has no scent.

  • Steve Frost Honey
    Steve Frost Honey


    Although very sticky, honey is one of  the best for your skin because it is organic and has many vitamins and minerals, which will lock in moisture so you'll feel soft and smooth.  Use it in a steamy shower, let it soak in and rinse!


  • Source: Jörg Beuge / ThinkStock
    Source: Jörg Beuge / ThinkStock


    More than just a delicious snack, yogurt can actually improve your skin tone. Applying yogurt to your skin before a shower, oddly enough, can help relieve dry, itchy skin. Yogurt contains lactic acid which helps exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing brighter skin.

    You can fight wrinkles and fine lines by using a yogurt scrub on a weekly basis. Combine two tablespoons of yogurt with a tablespoon of oats and apply it as a mask for 15 minutes.

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