New Jersey Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger and Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer recently got together and reviewed some of the sex educational lesson plans that have been previously approved by the New Jersey state Board of Education.

“Schools are veering so far from the mission of academics. People are paying two-thirds of their property taxes to send their kids to school, not learn about porn,” Scharfenberger (R-Monmouth) said.

If implemented, the new standards, which may begin this fall, “will teach children medically accurate names for genitalia by the second grade, the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity by fifth grade, and the definition of vaginal, oral and anal sex by the end of middle school. It also covers masturbation and consent, among other adult topics,” said Scharfenberger and Sawyer.

Here is a link to a video of the two New Jersey legislators discussing these graphic sex education topics slated to be taught to such young children.

WATCH: NJ’s outrageously cringeworthy sex education standards | GOP Reaction Couch

Assemblywoman Sawyer directly responds to a point that we have been making on-air:

“This is going to put thoughts in children’s minds that they don’t need. If a softball coach or a babysitter was showing this to your child, I promise you the police would be showing up at their doorstep,” Sawyer (R-Gloucester) said.

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The response by parents, grandparents and fellow New Jerseyans has been universally critical of this radical approach to teaching children (as young as (6-years-old) in New Jersey public schools.

The fallout has caused Gov. Phil Murphy to order a review of the standards earlier this week on April 13, 2022.


SOURCE: The Reaction Couch is a web series produced by the New Jersey Assembly Republican Office that brings legislators together to watch clips and share their thoughts on hot topics concerning the residents of New Jersey. To watch more episodes, visit

New Jersey's Latest School Rankings

New Jersey high school graduation rates

The lists below show 4-year graduation rates for New Jersey public schools for the 2020-21 school year. The statewide graduation rate fell slightly, from 91% in 2019-20 to 90.6%.

The lists, which are sorted by county and include a separate list for charter schools, also include a second graduation rate, which excludes students whose special education IEPs allow them to qualify for diplomas despite not meeting typical coursework and attendance requirements.

Columns with an asterisk or 'N' indicate there was no data or it was suppressed to protect student privacy.



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