Whales Dying: Brigantine, NJ Hosting Ocean Wind Projects Meeting
Brigantine Beach, New Jersey Mayor Vince Sera and the Brigantine City Council are taking the issue of multiple whales washing ashore dead throughout Southern New Jersey very seriously.
They have exercised prudence and restraint in not rushing to judgment. However, they want proper studies to be conducted and they also want to encourage an open public discussion about the issue.
Towards that end, the Brigantine City Council will be hosting a community meeting concerning ocean wind development on Saturday, February 11, 2023 (11:00 a.m.) at the Brigantine Community School.
This meeting will feature a more formal presentation, with the following key players in attendance:
- United States Congressman Jeff VanDrew
- New Jersey Senator Vince Polistina
- Brigantine Mayor Vince Sera
We have learned that representatives from Save LBI and Defend Brigantine have also been invited to speak.
Atlantic Shores has also been asked to participate, as they did at the December 2022 open house community event.
In advance of the meeting, Mayor Sera said, "We are very happy to be able to host our third community meeting on ocean wind development. Our goal throughout this entire process has been to offer a series of community forums where we can share information and help educate the public about the State's plans to develop wind farms off the South Jersey coast."
Sera added: "Brigantine City Council supports the need for clean energy solutions, but has a lot of concerns about the impacts these ocean wind projects may already be having on whales and other marine life. It's very important for us to get real scientifically supported facts and proof that these projects will not harm our marine mammals or disrupt the ocean environment before anything can move forward. It would be simply irresponsible to try to fast-track these projects without getting all the facts."
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SOURCE: Ken LeFevre