Work on Building Dunes and Beaches on Absecon Island To Start Next Week
The Department of Environmental Protection and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have announced that work to build or rebuild beaches and dunes on Absecon Island will begin next week.
According to a press release, work will begin in Atlantic City next week, followed by work in neighboring Ventnor around early June, Margate in mid-July, and Longport towards the middle of September. To minimize the impact on the upcoming tourist season, work will be done in 1,000-foot segments; the only place where beaches will be closed is where work is being performed.
The DEP press release states the Absecon Island project calls for a 200-foot-wide beach and a dune built to an elevation of nearly 15 feet above sea level for Atlantic City. A 100-foot-wide berm and a dune to an elevation of nearly 13 feet above sea level will be built for Ventnor, Margate, and Longport.
DEP Commissioner Bob Martin says,
“We are very excited to move forward with this project, which will provide storm protection for these key shore resort communities. The Absecon Island project... will fulfill the Christie Administration’s pledge to construct a coastwide system of engineered beaches and dunes to make our economically vital shore communities more resilient to storms and flooding."
SOURCE: NJ Dept of Environmental Protection press release, 5/2/17