Atlantic City Councilman States Concerns Re: Carnegie Library Scheme
Atlantic City Council Member Bruce Weekes has implemented a preemptive strike regarding what he has described as an Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small scheme to lease the iconic Carnegie Center for $ 1 per-year, for a period of 5 years.
Here is specifically what Weekes has released on his social media platform:
This is who the administration wants to lease the Carnegie Center to for $1 a year for 5 years. The lease agreement is with Rev. Steffie Bartley of NAN Newark TechWorld.
There are Atlantic City community members who are currently expressing major concerns about this potential transaction and the particular party who would benefit from this proposed transaction.
We are currently conducting our own due diligence on this subject and will report back with any confirmed findings.
Back on March 19, 2022, we broke the news that Stockton University would be returning The Carnegie Center back to the City of Atlantic City.
if you missed our elaborate coverage about this multi-million dollar transaction, here is a direct link to catch-up:
Read More: Stockton Turning Ownership Of Carnegie Library To Atlantic City
From the moment that Stockton University announced that this transference would occur, various Atlantic City Councilman members have been concerned about what Small would do with this historic building … that was originally donated to Atlantic City by the legendary Andrew Carnegie.
Now, Weekes has learned the plan. The Atlantic City taxpayers are fortunate that multiple members of city Council are blowing the whistle on the administration when and where necessary.
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SOURCE: Atlantic City Councilman Bruce Weekes.