The Marty Small era … more like “error” … has been an unmitigated disaster in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Last week, we wrote about the fact that retired Atlantic City employees … both civilian and public safety … were sent hefty bills for medical health insurance payments due.

The former employees had not been billed for more than a 1 1/2 years.

Former Atlantic City PBA President, Don Hurley wrote the following yesterday.

I just found out that Atlantic City administration intends to bill family members of our brothers and sisters who have passed away during the time of this insurance debacle, where they haven't properly billed for insurance costs for more than a year and a half. None of this is the fault of retired city employees. I was told the city has said they have a fiduciary responsibility to come after our grieving families. A disgrace. We must fight this at all costs, wrote Don Hurley.

Ever since the City of Atlantic City, New Jersey left the New Jersey State Health Benefits Plan, the problems for employees have been significant.

After very poor communication for more than 1 1/2 years … The City of Atlantic City mailed letters to retiree's that included the following instructions:

• A "arrears" bill will be sent out with the total cost of the last twelve months. You have a twelve (12) month period to pay off this balance. You may decide what amount you will pay every month, but the total balance must be paid at the conclusion of the twelve (12) month period. If you fail to pay the total balance you may risk losing coverage.

• A 'current bill will be sent out with the new monthly payment. You will have sixty (60) days to pay off this balance. The current bill must remain in paid status, or you may risk losing coverage.





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