The days of broadcast and cable television could be numbered.

Viewer habits are changing very fast. For the first time ever, there are more streaming viewers versus broadcast and cable television viewers.

This data comes directly from Nielsen, which is the gold standard when it comes to ratings and reviewing all current trends in broadcasting, all genres.

You are hearing more and more people saying that they are unplugging, meaning that they no longer have cable television in their homes and offices.

They are now strictly using streaming services, Amazon Fire TV, and other emerging alternatives instead of broadcast and cable television.

The ability to stream almost anything that you want to see is quickly making traditional broadcast and cable television formats obsolete.

At the current trajectory, traditional broadcast and cable appears to be heading in the same direction (decline) as newspapers and magazines.

Presently, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, and Amazon are substantially increasing their monthly viewing shares.

Meanwhile, according to Nielsen, cable usage has dropped by 2 percent just from June to July, 2022.

Sports programming has seen the biggest cable decline, down 15 percent for the most recent month and down a whopping 34 percent from one year ago.

Broadcast television is doing even worse, down 9.8 percent overall and down 41 percent for sports programming viewership.

At the rate things are going, broadcast and cable television will not exist as we have known them for so many generations.

Things are rapidly changing. Those who are nimble and creative will adapt. Others will founder and cease to exist at some point going forward.

The old expression, if you’re not changing … you’re dying certainly applies here.


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