Thanks to an alert citizen and detectives with the Atlantic City Police Department, there's one less gun on the streets of the World's Play Ground this morning.

According to the Atlantic City Police Department, at about 2:40 Wednesday afternoon, three detectives conducted a motor vehicle stop in the 1000 block of Sewell Avenue. Police say a concerned citizen had alerted them that a man was selling drugs; that person was able to provide cops with a detailed description of the person and his vehicle.

The detectives located the vehicle with 24-year-old Leshaun Spence of Atlantic City behind the wheel. A press release says that during the investigation, Spence was arrested after being found in possession of a loaded handgun, more than four grams of cocaine, and a digital scale.

Spence was charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of CDS, possession with intent to distribute CDS, possession of a weapon while committing a CDS offense, and possession of narcotic paraphernalia. He was remanded to the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

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Charges are mere accusations and the accused are considered innocent until proven guilty.

If you see something, say something -- anyone with information about drug dealing in the city is urged to contact the Atlantic City Police Department's Special Investigations Section at (609) 347-5858. You can also submit information to authorities via an anonymous text message to tip411 (847411); begin your message with ACPD.

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