Polistina Defeats Grossman; Atlantic County Republicans Must Unite
Former New Jersey Assemblyman Vince Polistina and the Atlantic County Republican ballot line held strong yesterday on Primary Election Day.
Polistina defeated his Primary Election opponent Seth Grossman at the polls by a wide margin of 69% to 31% to win the Republican Nomination for the New Jersey State Senate in District 2.
Polistina also holds a commanding 500-plus Vote by Mail lead, meaning his ultimate vote total will go beyond 70 percent of the vote captured.
It was a bruising and hard fought internal Republican battle.
The most important thing now for the Atlantic County Republicans to do is to unite.
The Democrats are united behind a well known; but weak and ineffective State Senate Nominee, Vince Mazzeo.
If the Atlantic County Republicans unite … they have a great opportunity to win at least two of the three state legislative seats; possibly all three seats.
Neither political party has held all 3 legislative seats in District 2 since former State Senator Bill Gormley held unprecedented electoral power.
Immediately following last night’s victory, Polistina demonstrated perfect “pitch” and sounded the unity message as the General Election begins.
“Tonight the voters of Atlantic County sent a clear message about the kind of Republican they want leading our ticket in the Second Legislative District this fall,” said Polistina.
“Now, its time for our party to come together and defeat Vince Mazzeo and the increasingly radical Phil Murphy Democrats this November.”
Polistina, and his running mates, Don Guardian and Claire Swift will face Mazzeo and his team of John Armato and Caren Fitzpatrick in the November 2, 2021 General Election.
A pro-active and committed Atlantic County Republican Party Chairman, Keith Davis will also be very important during this General Election campaign
For the first time ever, New Jersey will have early voting available at the polls. This is a new dynamic that will have to be effectively managed by both political parties, along with a return to traditional Vote by Mail practices.