There’s an old expression that “you’re never a Hero in your own hometown.”

Former Atlantic City golfing legend, Leo Fraser, a former President of The Professional Golf Association (PGA) of America has his own interpretation of this misnomer.

Fraser had a memorable saying, "you’re only an expert when you're at least 60 miles from home,” said Fraser. He didn’t believe that. But, many in this area did.

In other words, the false premise exists that nothing that’s already right here at home can be the best.

We reject this as patently false and shortsighted in every way.

There are many people, places, and things right here in the Atlantic City, New Jersey area that are the best in their category to be found anywhere in America.

Case in point, we purchased four lobsters that were freshly caught that same morning about 6-10 miles off of the coast of Atlantic City.

Read More: Forget About Maine, Atlantic City Lobsters Are Delicious

They were the finest lobsters that we’ve ever had.

For some reason … see the life lesson above … you have to go to Maine or elsewhere to get the best.

Simply not true. These Atlantic City lobsters were sweet, with perfect texture and taste in every way.

When we first wrote about this a year ago, so many people reached out to say that they had never heard of “Atlantic City Lobsters.”

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As of 2015, the New Jersey lobster market was $2.2 million annual industry.


5 pounds is the maximum allowable size/weight (lobster) that you can legally keep in New Jersey.

Here is an up-close look at one of our Atlantic City lobsters from July 24, 2022.

Harry Hurley photo.
Harry Hurley photo.

It tasted even better than its glistening good looks.

It was so sweet and delicious that it didn’t require drawn butter or any other seasonings whatsoever.

Here is a great cooking tip from a 50-plus-year Atlantic City Lobsterman:

“Steam for about 15 minutes and do not let the lobster touch the water … just let the steam cook them.”

The moral of this story is that you don’t have to go to Maine or anywhere else. The best is already right here in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

We have now made it a month of July tradition and we’ve already placed our standing orders for fresh Atlantic City lobsters.

The Atlantic City lobster is as good or better as any that you’ll find anywhere in America.

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