Large Number of Atlantic City Schools Teachers Call-Out Today
Harry Hurley - WPG Talk Radio 95.5 Breaking News Exclusive
ATLANTIC CITY - P.J. Dollard, President of the Atlantic City Education Association provided us with a major breaking news exclusive (live on-the-air) as follows:
60 teachers have called-out today from Atlantic City’s Brighton Avenue School.
At least 30 (other sources say more than 50) have called-out from Texas Avenue School.
Another Atlantic City education source has confirmed that 62 teachers called-out from Atlantic City High School.
Dollard stated publicly on-air this morning that the teachers do not feel safe returning to the two oldest schools left in Atlantic City.
The teachers have been going to these schools daily to teach students, who have received instruction by using distance-learning technology from home.
Dollard will be sending me an August, 2019 memorandum relative to work which needed to be accomplished at Brighton and Texas Avenue schools in order for the teachers to feel safe to return into the class room with students.
I will add this internal memorandum to this article as soon as I receive.
Dollard believes that the work has not been satisfactorily performed. I am investigating this issue right now and I’m seeking comments from John Devlin, President of the Atlantic City Board of Education and Barry Caldwell, Superintendent of Public Schools for their public views of today’s mass “sick-out.”
Dollard also confirmed that it is his understanding that the teachers will be calling-out each day until the health/safety issues are resolved.
It’s a true shame that students went back to school today for the first time since last March. 2019; only to find out that their teachers were not attending school today.
That’s rude, unprofessional and students should never walk into school only to experience something like this. They deserve better.
I believe that Caldwell should have handled this differently. I’ve been told that he knew days ago that today’s “call-out” was going to take place.
It’s unconscionable to disrupt the lives of students like this. The remote learning, as the much-anticipated COVID-19 second wave spike has been realized could have contributed until the adults could work out they differences.
This is a developing, breaking news story.
Updates will be provided as warranted.