Millennials Plan to Create a Community Park for Atlantic City
For AC, By AC is a group of young adults planning to make a difference in the Atlantic City area by building an urban park that they're looking to call "Yard 48."
Why? They're in the hospitality industry and they want to serve Atlantic City by utilizing their profession to support the local community, local businesses, and local events in order to invest into the future of Atlantic City.
"Yard 48" will almost emulate the Spruce Street Pier Harbor in Philadelphia by providing a social meeting area for young professionals, families, tourists, businesses, and now students who will capitalize on Stockton University, Hard Rock, and Ocean Resort. They plan to offer movie nights, live music, local crafters, and artists as well as hammocks and interactive games and lots of lights. A city-wide bike share program will also be installed that will allow people to get around the city.
The project itself will cost $250,000 to $500,000, but the For AC By AC team is hoping people will be able to help them raise at least $25,000 to start the project. There is approval and full support from CRDA, ACEA, the City of Atlantic City, and many local businesses. The team will meet with the CRDA board to discuss funding for this project during their June meeting.